Caring For A Child With A Food Allergy

One in four children suffer from allergies that send a person to the emergency room every 3 minutes. When it comes to kids and allergies, parents have to be extremely careful. Sending them off to school nowadays poses greater risks with food allergies than it once did. Before, cafeterias could serve up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with little worries. Now, if a child with a peanut allergy, gets close to peanut butter, they could be sent straight to the emergency room. It can be very difficult living with a food allergy. As the parent, it is your job to protect the child even when you aren't around. Here are four things caring for a child with a food allergy consists of. 


When it comes to treating a child quickly who has been exposed to something they are allergic to, EpiPens are imperative. They inject adrenaline into the system to help thwart off the allergic reaction. They can be vital to a child who is suffering from the allergic reaction. Some states like Iowa, are working on passing a law that will allow school administrators to administer the injection when a child is suffering an allergic reaction and doesn't have a prescription. This can be great news for parents who aren't always around when the child is exposed to the allergy. Having extra EpiPens on hand is a great way to ensure you are prepared should an allergy attack come on all of a sudden. 

Allergy Testing

Allergy testing is a great way to find out what causes your child's allergic reactions. Doctors will administer a skin prick test that can test for around 40 different substances all at once. The test is quick usually only lasting around 20 to 30 minutes. The test isn't painful and can be a great resource for parents who are looking to figure out what their child may be allergic to. 

Allergy Medicines

As your child begins to age, you may start to notice certain allergic reactions when they are exposed to more and more things. Once you realize your child may have allergies, it is important that you send them to the pediatrician. They will usually refer you to a specialist who can do testing and prescribe the right medication to treat your child's allergies. While there isn't a cure for allergies, there are medicines that can help treat the symptoms you child experiences. This can help your child live a more normal life using these medicines. Usually, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines and decongestants to help with the symptoms. Talk to experts like Alaska Natural Health Solutions for more information.
